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We follow the Good Dog Breeder Code of Ethics

Breeding and Care

All participating breeders agree to:

  1. Strive to ensure that every litter is the result of conscientious planning, including consideration of parents' temperament and physical well-being, clearances for hereditary diseases, pedigree and parentage.

  2. Provide the proper care and a clean, safe environment for all dogs on the premises, which includes at a minimum:

    • Preventative veterinary care for dogs and veterinary care when sick or injured

    • Indoor spaces with protection from extreme temperatures

    • Outdoor access when temperatures are safe for specific breed of dog

    • Appropriate daily food and water (in accordance with breed, age, reproductive status, and size)

    • Regular interaction, exercise, socialization, environmental enrichment (e.g. toys), and outlets to engage in normal behavior such as chewing and digging

    • If housed in kennels:

      • Appropriate living space with no wire flooring

      • Cleaned at least daily with comfortable, padded spaces for sleeping

      • Daily exercise and time to socialize with other dogs and people

  3. Provide the proper care and a clean, safe environment for a female and her litter, which includes the following (in addition to all the above):

    • A quiet, non-stressful environment for nursing/whelping separate from other dogs

    • Enough space to move around alongside, and not on top of, puppies

    • The opportunity to rest away from puppies if she chooses

    • Whelping area should be cleaned frequently due to the extra waste from the puppies

  4. Not breed a female before she is physically and mentally mature (which depends on breed), and then only if she has been examined by a licensed veterinarian and is in excellent health.

  5. Not breed a female beyond the appropriate age for her breed or as is advised by a licensed veterinarian.

  6. Not allow a female to rear more than the appropriate number of litters in her lifetime for her breed (which is generally no more than 4 to 6 litters) or as is advised by a licensed veterinarian.

  7. Ensure all puppies are seen by a licensed veterinarian as a part of a full veterinary exam with a clean bill of health (unless an exemption is applicable), are given appropriate shots and are dewormed or have a negative fecal exam before going to a new home.

  8. Provide age appropriate interaction and socialization to all puppies until they leave for their forever homes.

  9. Comply with all applicable federal, state, and local laws and regulations.

Placing Dogs with New Owners

All participating breeders agree to:

  1. Keep puppies for as long as it takes to make sure they are placed in suitable homes.

  2. Not allow any puppy to leave for its new home before an age appropriate for its breed (generally 8 weeks or older and not younger than 7 weeks).

  3. Screen all prospective owners to determine their suitability and motives for acquiring a dog by interviewing owners with specific questions.

  4. Disclose any known health issues of a dog before it goes to a new home.

  5. Never misrepresent the characteristics of a breed or a dog.

  6. Make sure that each dog, upon release to its new owners, is accompanied by the following:

    • Health certificate including vaccination and deworming dates and all prior health records (unless an exemption is applicable)

    • A sales contract (preferable)

    • A health guarantee (preferable)

    • National registry registration documentation (if applicable)

    • Resources regarding breed-specific health problems and expectations (preferable)

  7. Maintain detailed records of each litter they breed.

  8. Refrain from selling to buyers that haven't been screened appropriately and approved. Any prospective buyer will be thoroughly vetted and screened to ensure each puppy ends up in a safe home.

  9. Be available to answer questions and offer guidance to new owner for the entire lifetime of the dog.

  10. For the lifetime of the dog, regardless of the reason or circumstances, take back or help to rehome the dog if the new owner is no longer able to care for them.

  11. Encourage new owners to abide by our Responsible Dog Ownership Code of Ethics.

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We Also Expect Families to Follow The Good Dog Responsible Dog Owner Oath!

New Dog Owners

All new dog owners agree to:

  1. Have their dog examined by a licensed veterinarian shortly after bringing the dog home (preferably within two to three business days).

  2. Ensure that their dog is always cared for both physically and emotionally, including by providing proper shelter, food, water, exercise, grooming, human contact, stimulation and protection from bodily harm.

  3. Take care when socializing young puppies to minimize the risk of contracting infectious diseases such as parvovirus or kennel cough. Encourage puppies to play with healthy, vaccinated adult dogs such as those owned by family members and friends at your home or theirs, and with healthy vaccinated puppies in well-run puppy classes. Avoid public spaces with dogs of unknown health status (e.g. pet stores, dog parks) until the puppy is fully vaccinated.

  4. Not sell or trade the dog to any pet shop, wholesaler or broker for any reason whatsoever.

  5. Ensure their dogs have permanent identification (by microchip, tattoo, or otherwise).

  6. Have their dog receive a veterinary exam at least once per year.

  7. Seek immediate veterinary care in the event of sickness or injury.

  8. Unless otherwise agreed with their breeder, have their dog spayed/neutered at an appropriate age for the breed and based on consultation with their veterinarian.

  9. If from a breeder:

    1. Keep the breeder informed about any physical or behavioral health problems that arise in any dog obtained from them, especially health problems that are known to be heritable or that have unknown causes.

    2. Regardless of the reason or circumstances, notify the breeder if they are ever unable to keep their dog so that the breeder can either take the dog back or help in rehoming them. If the breeder is unable or unwilling to either take the dog back or help in rehoming them, the new dog owner must notify Good Dog to assist in rehoming.

    3. Notify the breeder of any change of address and/or phone number for their records.

    4. Keep in touch with their breeder and send them lots of pictures. This one is optional but highly encouraged!

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